Easy Epoxy Pendants!


Intro: Easy Epoxy Pendants!

YAY for making stuff! As you may of known i’m pretty cheap, so what’s better than loving a picture and making it so you can wear it around your neck! I brink you ladies and gentleman PENDANTS!!!

A few things:
pendant trays.
mod-podge. preferably in matte.
clear acrylic sealant.
lamination glue. not required at all, but’s it’s still nice to have.
- epoxy.
images printed on a thicker paper.
2 dixi cups & 2 things to stir the epoxy, if you’re using ClearCast preferably make these things disposable.
...a blowtorch...or a straw.


Step one.
Cut your images so that they fit nicely into the trays. Glue with the mod-podge then seal with the mod-pudge. Wait for everything to COMPLETELY dry!


Step two.
Spray with clear acrylic sealant. again wait for it to completely dry!


Step 3.
Mix your epoxy according to directions on the box.
If you’re using ClearCast epoxy (by far the easiest) I stress how important it is to read that shizt. Make sure to measure your 1-1 ratio very carefully. The easiest thing to do is have a teaspoon especially dedicated to epoxy and simply wash and reuse. The dixi cups and your stirrers are for the epoxy.


Step 4.
Set your epoxy very carefully make sure not to over spill and fill.


Step 5.
This is the fun part! Turn your blow torches on to a very very low setting here you can burn out all the little bubbles in the epoxy. I really do recommend buying a blowtorch, i mean there are so many uses; creme brulee, stripping paint, burning your ex’s belongings...moving forward. I got mine at Harbor Freight for about $8.


Step 6.
Let these bad-boys sit for about 2 days for safe measure, hook a chain or a keychain loop on there and enjoy your creation.

Have fun as always, many things can be done with the power of epoxy bracelets, magnets, necklaces, paper weights, you think it you can make it.
