Easy Ways to Make Bracelets With Ribbon Wrapped Chain


Intro: Easy Ways to Make Bracelets With Ribbon Wrapped Chain

How to make awesome bracelets have been made in succession in our tutorial. Have you ever seen the bracelets wrapped with ribbons? Here this kind of bracelet will come out and you can also learn the easy ways to make bracelets.
Pure chain and diamond chain are needed for easy ways to make bracelets. Then ribbon is required to fill the gap of the two chains. And you find the ribbon fillings do a good job here. Now follow me and start how to make awesome bracelets.

STEP 1: Step 1: the Preliminary Work

Overlap the diamond chain and the pure chain; note that each diamond in each corresponding hole of the pure chain. Thread the ribbon to the two chains; twine the gap between the two diamonds with ribbon. Thread the ribbon to the end of the chains; wear the bracelet to your wrist; according to you wrist to leave some ribbon length. Make knot with ribbons at one end of the chains; cut off the redundant ribbons.

STEP 2: Step 2: the Ending Work

You can make the other bracelet with different colored ribbon. Then wear the two bracelets together.