Electronic Ballast Flyback Driver Part 1 to Get 100kv


Intro: Electronic Ballast Flyback Driver Part 1 to Get 100kv

Hi,you all have gone through different types of flyback driver like zvs,transistor driven etc.But i will tell you most easiest and cheapiest one 


Objects required
1) Flyback Transformer(in india it is known as EHT)
2) Electronic ballast(in india it is known as choke)
3) Multimeter


There are 6 wires in electronic Ballast. They are present in sets of 2 wires and 4 wires
let label 2 wire as "wire set 1" and 4 wire set as "wire set 2".Connect the  wire set 1 to the main supply. 


Now switch on the supply.It''s time to find the output of the Electronic ballast,tune the multimeter in 1000 dc voltage range check the wires the sets of wire in which you will get variable voltage that two wires will be the output wires.Caution take care that both wires should not touch each other.


naah! you counld not found it


Congo! guys you found it


you foind it lets paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyyyyy


now begin sparkings
 i can say that it slightly less powerfull than zvs driver
because it melted a pin to ashses


Rajesh, You have a nice laid back attitude and confidence that is built by experience, that much is clear. What I don't understand is why you would put so little care into presenting your ideas or your instructions on how to do something technical. This is the part most others obsess over, and it is true that too much polishing of what is messy [trial and error prototyping (you should see my desk and workshop!)] is somehow dishonest or at least feels weird; I get that. But posting what look like accidental photos when putting the phone in your pocket maybe goes too far in the other direction, that is, "too authentic". Sometimes you have to be more fake to be perceived as real. The H[B]ollywood greats know this paradox well, like recording the sound or rain means you need to cook some bacon and use audio from the bacon frying in order to have the "real" sound or rain.] The same goes for presenting your scientific work to a mass audience requires dressing it up a little with formal style writing, and a neutral (color corrected and lens distortion removed) photographs -- these must be in focus! I suggest at least looking at a style guide for scientific writing [peer reviewed journal submissions], like this one: <Scientific Style and format, 8th ed> to get a feeling for what is expected, and at least do some of that. I am commenting only on what you posted, not what I know you you as a person are capable of, and admitting that I can relate to the attitude easily, which my science education practically needed to beat out of me. My lab reports always came back violently dismembered, with red all over the pages in what looked like blood spatter patterns from a crime of passion. They hated me! Eventually I learned it was better to be appropriate than to see what I could get away with. I wrote this because if I had to guess, you are also finding what version of rebellion to counterbalance the conformity of a technical/scientific career with. The range is from the evil dude in James Bond movies to stuffy physics professors who teach intro classes and never cross the street at a red light! Choose wisely.