Emergency LED Lamp


Intro: Emergency LED Lamp

are you preparing for a storm or go camping or blackout? make an emergency light in just 5 to 10 minutes! the best part is that you can detach the lid turning it into a compact flashlight and this has a 360 degrees ray of light.

STEP 1: Things That You Need


-3W Led

-Jar ( that fits in the size of the battery)

-Red LED indicator

-BL-5C nokia battery

-IN4007 Rectifier diode

-470 ohm resistor

-on/off switch

-female DC socket


-Soldering iron

-Glue gun

-Portable drill

-Glue stick


STEP 2: the Schematic Diagram

STEP 3: Solder Everything in Place

Just follow the diagram and your good to go!

STEP 4: Charge Testing

you can use any kind of wall wart to charge it just make sure it's output is 5V

STEP 5: You're Done!

If you have questions for this instructable just write a comment.


How long does the battery last?

This is really nicely done. Good work!