Esp8266 Weather Data Parser Openweathermap


Intro: Esp8266 Weather Data Parser Openweathermap

Hello friends!

In this short instructable i would like to present my first Esp8266 project.

It is a weather data parser.

STEP 1: Before We Begin

Back in a few weeks i was reading many articles about the Esp8266 and the weather data parsing,encoding, decoding and printing it to an LCD. So i decided to make my own minimal looking weather data parser with Nodemcu and i thought i share it.

STEP 2: Openweathermap

The is a relatively big and accurate weather forecast site. I have been using it for a time now. All my Android apps and esp8266 boards use the API keys provided by the site. I am using the free API key, but you can purchase more options if you are willing to pay some money for it.

The most interesting thing is, that you can generate multiple API keys with your account. This way you can use more IoT boards at the same time.

STEP 3: Materials

Parts needed:

- Esp8266 compatible board


- F-F jumper wires

STEP 4: Software

In order to make our weather station work we will need the included libraries and sketch.

I am providing the sketch and the library for the tft lcd that i have used.

Plus we will need the Openweathermap API key.

STEP 5: Connections

The connections are the following:

TFT DC Digital 3

TFT CS Digital 8

TFT MOSI Digital 7

TFT SCK Digital 5

TFT RESET Reset or 3.3V

VCC - 3.3 Volts

GND - Ground

LED - 3.3 Volts

In the sketch don't change the pinout!!!!!

STEP 6: Weather Station Running

OK! After assembling the hardware and uploading the sketch the Esp board is connecting to the internet and parsing the weather data.

What wee see:

- The first line indicates when the board is connected to the wifi network.

- Second line is showing the location according to the city ID.

- Third line is the weather description.

- Fourth line is the temperature and humidity.

- Fifth line is the barometric pressure.

- Sixth line is the wind speed in m/s.

- Below it is the Temperature min and max , wind angle in degrees.

- The visibility in meters

- And last the local IP Address

The esp8266 is connecting to the internet every 10 minutes to update the conditions.

STEP 7: Done!

You are done.

Use it as you like :)

If you want to use a more advenced weather station pls take a look at the videos below.


I'm a fan of your project that I did 2 years ago with a 240x320
screen that works very well, I would like to do it now in 320x480 but
I'm running into several problems:
1) The HTTP API has changed
2) I can't display the images correctly anymore
Can you help me set up the Wemos correctly please?
I fixed the sketch and everything is working, only i do not see the images.
I placed all on my sd card (fat32) in root and also in dir "data", but with no succes.
Why do i not see the images?? can anybody help me?
I have an ssd1283A lcd how can i modify this code to use it for my lcd please?
Yes you can. Replace the library and instances in the code(if all lcd commands compatible). Resize and reposition the lines, images and text on display.
Further to my questions a couple of days ago, I thought the follownig comments/issues might be useful, particularly for other would be constructors of this great project.
1. Despite several attempts and modifications, the code presented seems only to work when using Windows 10. (Windows 7 is a no no).
2. The dreaded error message produced :- " Error compiling for Node MCU 1.0 " is taken care of in Windows 10.
3. The error message produced during the compile phase using "ArduinoJson.h" version 6.xx is produced from the installed library, however you can downgrade this version (try 5.13.43) via Library Manager etc which will then compile clean. Alternatively, you can upgrade the sketch by following closely, the message produced "Migrating from Version 5 to 6.
Any issues re the above mail me.
Hello again,
Sorry to trouble you but 2 questions:
What is/are the differences between V2 ino and the ordinary version?
Also neither version will compile under windows 7 pro, but both compile in windows 10 pro!
Wondering if there are quick fixes for these issues?

My thanks of course.

me for bothering you but I'm still doing your great project and I'm
having trouble understanding the refresh of the screens to put it simply
I started by using the S0 screen (without openweather) I added an outside temperature DHT22 via nrf24l01 (you are bme280)
if this one appears normally after 2 minutes approx but it takes + 40 minutes to be erased when I cut the connection
is this a pb with millis () or with the nrf24l01?

thank you so much
It think it is with the screen update. Pls try to print the nrf module values to the serial monitor with low refresh time.That way you could see which is not updating 😕
Thank you for answering
have already done what you suggest (time nrf = 5mn) but the time is
still very long (approx 30mn) when I lose the connection with the module
nrf24l01 and I did not find in the sketch 'meteo_320_240' of equivalent
I look for ....
thanks again

I am progressing (...) but I have a lot of problems with the management of screens
the temperature and humidity (DHT22) that I added on the S2 and S0 screens slow down the program.
So I will need your help to know how you managed the time of displays and measurements on the screens.
thanks again
This WS is based on a simple API call sample sketch. It was written on an old IDE version.
Esp connects and reads data, displays it on the screen. Timer begins 10x60 seconds and starts all over again.
Of course i noticed everything is delayed, because it has a minute delay /delay(60000)/ at the end of the void loop.
Earlier i experimented with sensors myself. I created a seperate loop for the sensor readings with 0.5 or 1 second delay and declared it in the void loop. So i managed to reduce the delay time.
Maybe it is worth a try, at the moment this is the advice i can give. Pls note that i am only a hobbist and not a pro programmer. Dont have much time to play with Arduino lately, pls forgive me for that :(
Thank you for answering
I am continuing the project because I am just starting out and I have not yet understood all of the int () mechanisms to allow sensor readings
But I'm a taker of new ideas
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Thanks again
Very nice project and thank you for it, I'm working on the one with 4 and 240x320 TFT screens
I want to add the IAQ Air Quality index on the S2 screen but without
result, I have the correct information in the sensor_fn sketch but not
on the screen
so i would need your help
thanks again
You are working on a WS with multiple displays?
No, I only work with 1 screen
I reduced the minutes display in the S2 screen (space problem), to put the air quality display there via BME680 but I have display difficulties
Bravo again for this project !!
Are you getting readings from the BME680 sensor?
Did you specify the I2C address in the void setup //Wire.begin (0x77)for eg.?
For the BME280 i always do.
Looks very neat :)
Yes, in fact, I read the sensor via the function 'void do_read_bme ()' and (I specify that the sensor is not remote but directly on the PCB)

#ifdef bme280
void do_read_bme()
static time_t t_period_bme=0;
float measured_temp; // mesure de la température à l'aide d'un capteur de température
float measured_humi; // Mesure de l'humidité à l'aide d'un capteur de débit
float measured_gas;
float DewpointTemperature;
float adjusted_temp;
float adjusted_humi;
float hum_score, gas_score, temp_score,score;
if (millis()//5min
float temperature=200, humidity=200, pressure=200;
if (! bme.performReading())
Serial.println("Failed to perform reading :(");
// Calcul point de rosée
measured_temp = bme.temperature;
measured_humi = bme.humidity;
measured_gas = bme.gas_resistance;
double a_dp = 17.271; //constantes nécessaires pour le calcul du point de rosée
double b_dp = 237.7;
double tempcalc_dp;
tempcalc_dp = (a_dp * measured_temp) / (b_dp + measured_temp) + log(measured_humi * 0.01);
DewpointTemperature = (b_dp * tempcalc_dp) / (a_dp - tempcalc_dp);
Serial.print("Point de rosée : ");
Serial.println("°C; ");
// Température ajustée
adjusted_temp = measured_temp + TEMP_CORR;
Serial.print("Température ajustée : ");
Serial.println("; ");
//August-Roche-Magnus approximation (
adjusted_humi = 100 * (exp((17.625 * DewpointTemperature) / (243.04 + DewpointTemperature)) / exp((17.625 * adjusted_temp) / (243.04 + adjusted_temp)));
Serial.print("Humidité ajustée : ");
Serial.println("; ");
//** temperature brute ** //
//** Humidite brute ** //
//*** Pression brute ** //
if (pr_kv>10000)
if (log_file)
log_str="bme280 ERR P="+String(pr_kv);
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("bme brute-------------"));
Serial.println(F("bme ajust-------------"));
Serial.println("T° ajustee (°C): "+String(adjusted_temp));
Serial.println("H ajustee (%rh): "+String(adjusted_humi));
if (temp_kv<-50||temp_kv>70) temp_kv=200;
if (h_kv<0||h_kv>100) h_kv=200;
if (temp_kv!=200)
t_period_bme=millis()+t_bme_ref*1000; //5min
However the measurements are not 'refreshed' correctly, the 'Gas' measurement is not good
I also specify that I test this sensor with the S0 screen so only ntp (whose measurements disappear after a few minutes (?))

(Currently I'm trying to integrate a 'local' temperature and humidity measurement with DHT022 instead of BME680 it might be easier)

sorry for my english .......i'm french
The air quality index results are not printed on the display i guess.

Interesting, never thought of it before.
You got me with the question right now 😕
Almost everything works--but the size seems too big to fit all of the items within the screen. I tried to fix it through the TFT_eSPI-3 file, but could not really reduce it properly. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I did not experiment with the 1.8" tft, the only advice i can give is try to use a small font for the display if you can.With the standard ST7735 library i would not be a problem. The 128X160 pixel resolution is usually not really enough for the Nodemcu.