Everest - the Worlds Tallest Freestanding Knex Ball Machine


Intro: Everest - the Worlds Tallest Freestanding Knex Ball Machine

Yes, it is true, I made the worlds tallest freestanding knex ball machine!
It is standing 5.51 meters tall and is totally freestanding!
Gallery: http://www.sorunome.de/knex/ballmachines/everest

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Really cool! is Icarus taller or does this still hold the record?

Thank you!

Icarus is taller, but it isn't freestanding, though ;)

Nice! late comment lol :)
Maybe I will try to build a higher ball machine, when it's summer (It can start snowing every moment now where I live xp)
I just bought 40 kilo knex so I think I have enough pieces to make a higher one :D

40 KG!!! how much do you have now

no idea, like 40 thousand pieces. No idea how much it weighs, though, but my guess is A LOT :P

damn... i have around 9.000 pieces now, i sold all my metalic knex

i'm trying to get ahold of more grey 5-way connectors :P

more? why would you need more you can literally build anything now haha

because i sold all my metallic knex i am limited to only something around 350 purple 3d connectors, i used to have ALLOT more but most of my purple 3d connectors were those ugly grey ones

I only have like 500 of those and in my current project my approximation is that i'll need 2k of those <_<

are you ever going to make a ball machine with instructions?

i already knew about those, i meant another one with like more elements,bigger base, more pieces

nah, takes waaaay too much time and anyone with like 10k+ pieces would rather build their own machine ;)

ah whatever, all my ball machines will have instructions

just wait till you'll make a 20k+ pieces ball machine :P

don't have 20k pieces... yet,

knexpert#3.14159265358979323 has some ball machines with around 7k and 9k pieces, all having instructions


lol i know the 1st 100 digits after pi using the phoenetic code

82097494459230781640628620 (continues after what you just wrote i think.. no google)

once knew 108 but forgot more than half, and now i only remember like 51 >.<

you mean like actually REMEMBER all the numbers?

google the phonetic code and just memorize 4 sentences wich lead to pi :p

my turtle pancho,will my love pick up my new mover ginger

my movie monkey plays in a favourite bucket

ship my puppy michael to sullivans backrubber

a really open music video cheers jenny f jones,

this is how i memorize it

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