Introduction: 2015 Gym Guide: Learn How to Exercise + Improve Your Health With 16+ Years Professional Guidance!
Personal training is expensive. Yet people still benefit from the personal touch a fitness expert offers. My goal with this write-up is to inform you that you have options for DIY fitness education. I love personal trainers and wish everybody could hire one, however, supply and demand and the reality of cost prevent that from happening. I am giving everybody EQUAL access to professional exercise instruction!
Using 16 years of exercise knowledge, I save you money by teaching you how to exercise at your gym without hiring a personal trainer!
I utilized 4,000 hours of hands-on personal training experience to help you learn how to start and maintain a safe and effective exercise program. VIDEOS GALORE! You can teach yourself how to; stretch, warm up and cool down, perform cardio, and even perform your 1st beginner workout! You have no reason to spend money on a trainer again! (Unless you want the attention of that "hot" male or female trainer at your local club...haha..)
Learn more at
FYI: I am 5'10" and 165 pounds. I consider myself "slim with muscle". This way you know I am not your typical meat-head trainer! :) Also, I have an instructables account where I have uploaded car repairs, 50,000 pages of my personal non-fiction library, and more! All I am saying is, I am just like you but happen to be a fitness expert :)
Best of luck to your workout goals and health!
Justin S.