Introduction: Extending the Range of Your Keyless Entry.
So this is my 1st instructable so CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. Anywho this site has got me looking at every day objects totally different now. I'm constantly asking myself how i can make ordinary objects better, or just make something cool. If your like me you have keyless entry on your vehicle and sometimes wish it could work farther away. Well this will help improve the range of your key fob a bit. Now before you go tearing apart your nice new factory key fob keep in mind this is easier to do on after market ones.
Step 1: Identify Antenna
Ok, once you have removed the case of your key fob you will need to find the antenna. it will probably be a smooth flat surface so to solder to it you may need to rough it up a bit. Sand paper works fine. something with a lower grit rating is suitable. just be careful not to destroy it. Some antenna's are in the PCB board so you may have to figure out which circuit is the antenna.
Step 2: Find Some Wire
Get some wire that you will be able to fit into the case and maneuver it into the case maximizing the amount you can fit.
Step 3: An Uncommon Antenna... YOU!
ever notice how if you grab a radio antenna on a station with static the quality improves? Well thats what you will be doing now. I chose to use a thin flat piece of copper that runs outside of the fob housing. These can be found easily in el cheapo LED toys and such. by touching this you turn yourself into an antenna. If your crafty enough you could attach it to the screw that holds the case together then just touch the screw.
Step 4: Thats It.
Now go test it out see how far away you get. it personally improved my range by about 50 feet. but i need a new battery too.