Extremely Long Paper Claws


Intro: Extremely Long Paper Claws

This is a paper claw that is MUCH bigger and longer than the normal one. It is also very easy to make. The supplies are also 2.

STEP 1: Only Step!

Turn your paper to the horizantal position. Then, start from the bottom left corner, and roll, by predicting the size of the claw's base for your finger. Roll it all until the paper is finished. Then, at the corner of paper that is finished, tape it firmly to make sure it doesn't deform.

STEP 2: Done!!!

Voila! you are finished. Put the base of the cone on your finger, and there you have it: a long paper claw!


Would yo be able to make joints so your fingers can actually move?
Yes, you can, just bend the place where your finger jointc is going to go.
so easy i did it befor