Introduction: Fabric Jewelry DIY
Turn your favorite images and scrap fabric into funky-fun jewelry for the summer!
Step 1: Watch the Video Tutorial Here!
Step 2: Stuff You'll Need
Sewing machine
E-6000 Glue
Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paints
Thin and thick cotton fabric
Heat transfer paper
Thin strips of fabric
Seed beads, fabric & plastic roses
Glue gun
Step 3: Here's How
1. Copy your images onto the heat transfer paper
2. & 3. Iron the images on thin cotton fabric, cut it out and cut a matching piece of heavy cotton fabric
4. Zigzag around the image in an oval shape
5. Zigzag different colors & textures of yarn around the image to create a frame
6. Create fabric twine (like I did in my 2011 book, The Big Ass Book of Crafts 2)
7. Twist two thin strips of fabric together clockwise while twisting them together counterclockwise *Jump in, you'll get the hang of it
8. & 9. Hot glue the fabric twine around the image and embellish with fabric & plastic flowers
10. & 11. Embellish more images with E-6000 glue and seed beads and Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paints
12. Add your pinbacks to the backs with more E-6000 Glue Wear as a brooch, on a bracelet or as a necklace