Fake Batch Hack


Intro: Fake Batch Hack

in this file I put a code and please run it and enjoy!



Here is the code you just can cut and paste it into an notepad document:

@echo off
:retry title LOGIN cls echo Please enter your name and age first please! set/p name=Name: set/p age=Age: if %age% GEQ 13 echo You can play further. if %age% GEQ 13 goto begin if %age% LSS 13 echo Your to young for this app. if %age% LSS 13 timeout -t 2 >NUL if %age% LSS 13 goto retry :begin color 0a echo Hello %name% timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo I'm glad your %age% timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo I hope you enjoy this! timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo Cause if you don't... color 0c timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo ...I will find you... timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo I'm now getting your ip adress already timeout -t 2 >NUL cls title HACKING echo Got your ip adress! timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo Now I know where you are... timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo I'm gonna hack your computer timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo It will probably crash... timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo HAHAHAHAHAHA timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo I'm hacking... timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo struct group_info init_groups = { .usage = ATOMIC_INIT(2) }; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo struct group_info *groups_alloc(int gidsetsize){ echo struct group_info *group_info; echo int nblocks; echo int i; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo nblocks = (gidsetsize + NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK; echo /* Make sure we always allocate at least one indirect block pointer */ echo nblocks = nblocks ? : 1; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo group_info = kmalloc(sizeof(*group_info) + nblocks*sizeof(gid_t *), GFP_USER); echo if (!group_info) timeout -t 1 >NUL echo return NULL; echo group_info->ngroups = gidsetsize; echo group_info->nblocks = nblocks; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo atomic_set(&group_info->usage, 1); echo if (gidsetsize <= NGROUPS_SMALL) timeout -t 1 >NUL echo group_info->blocks[0] = group_info->small_block; echo else { echo for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { timeout -t 1 >NUL echo gid_t *b; echo b = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_USER); echo if (!b) echo goto out_undo_partial_alloc; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo group_info->blocks[i] = b; echo } timeout -t 1 >NUL echo } echo return group_info; echo out_undo_partial_alloc: timeout -t 1 >NUL echo while (--i >= 0) { echo free_page((unsigned long)group_info->blocks[i]); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo } echo kfree(group_info); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo return NULL; echo } echo EXPORT_SYMBOL(groups_alloc); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo void groups_free(struct group_info *group_info) echo { echo if (group_info->blocks[0] != group_info->small_block) { timeout -t 1 >NUL timeout -t 1 >NUL echo int i; echo for (i = 0; i < group_info->nblocks; i++) echo free_page((unsigned long)group_info->blocks[i]); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo } echo kfree(group_info); echo } echo EXPORT_SYMBOL(groups_free); echo /* export the group_info to a user-space array */ echo static int groups_to_user(gid_t __user *grouplist, echo timeout -t 1 >NUL echo const struct group_info *group_info) echo { echo int i; echo unsigned int count = group_info->ngroups; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo for (i = 0; i < group_info->nblocks; i++) { echo unsigned int cp_count = min(NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK, count); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo unsigned int len = cp_count * sizeof(*grouplist); echo if (copy_to_user(grouplist, group_info->blocks[i], len)) echo return -EFAULT; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo grouplist += NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo count -= cp_count; echo } timeout -t 1 >NUL echo return 0; echo } echo /* fill a group_info from a user-space array - it must be allocated already */ timeout -t 1 >NUL echo static int groups_from_user(struct group_info *group_info, timeout -t 1 >NUL echo gid_t __user *grouplist) echo { echo int i; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo unsigned int count = group_info->ngroups; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo for (i = 0; i < group_info->nblocks; i++) { echo unsigned int cp_count = min(NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK, count); echo unsigned int len = cp_count * sizeof(*grouplist); timeout -t 1 >NUL echo if (copy_from_user(group_info->blocks[i], grouplist, len)) timeout -t 1 >NUL echo return -EFAULT; echo grouplist += NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK; echo count -= cp_count; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo } echo return 0; echo } echo /* a simple Shell sort */ timeout -t 1 >NUL echo static void groups_sort(struct group_info *group_info) echo { echo int base, max, stride; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo count -= cp_count; echo } timeout -t 1 >NUL echo return 0; echo } echo /* fill a group_info from a user-space array - it must be allocated already */ timeout -t 1 >NUL echo static int groups_from_user(struct group_info *group_info, timeout -t 1 >NUL echo gid_t __user *grouplist) echo { echo int i; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo unsigned int count = group_info->ngroups; timeout -t 1 >NUL echo for (i = 0; i < group_info->nblocks; i++) { echo unsigned int cp_count = min(NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK, count); echo unsigned int len = cp_count * sizeof(*grouplist); timeout -t 1 >NUL cls title HACKED echo CRACKED! timeout -t 1 >NUL echo Look at the title of the window! timout -t 3 >NUL title PLANTING VIRUS echo PLANTING VIRUS. timeout -t 1 >NUL cls echo PLANTING VIRUS.. timeout -t 1 >NUL cls echo PLANTING VIRUS... timeout -t 1 >NUL cls echo VIRUS PLANTED! timeout -t 2 >NUL cls echo DELETING C:/WINDOWS timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/WINDOWS DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL echo DELETING C:/SYSTEM32 timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/SYSTEM32 DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL echo DELETING C:/MYDOCUMENTS timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/MYDOCUMENTS DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL echo DELETING C:/MUSIC timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/MUSIC DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL echo DELETING C:/PICTURES timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/PICTURES DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL echo DELETING C:/GAMES timeout -t 1 >NUL echo C:/GAMES DELETED echo DELETING USER PROFILE timeout -t 1 >NUL echo USERPROFILE DELETED timeout -t 1 >NUL

echo x=msgbox("YOUR PROFILE DOES NO LONGER EXIST","16","DELETED") >hoi.vbs start hoi.vbs timeout -t 6 >NUL shutdown -s -t 10 -c "THANKS FOR OPENING MY PROGRAM IT WAS ALL A JOKE!!!"


click save as and save it as anything you want but put .bat after it and click all files instead of text file.


just run the file and enjoy!


I looked at the code, and it is funny! Did things similar to this year's ago!
if you run the file it will first ask you for your name and age and if you age is 13 or more than 13 you can proceed and if your age isn't higher than 13 you can't. After you typed in your age and name you go to an screen where it's just going to say some things and at the end it says "I will hack you" and than you see something I think looks like hacking.
but it's really funny to try out so please do it.