Introduction: Fake Feather Flower Made by Tracy Li
today i'll teach you to make a fake flower as an awesome decor!
Step 1:
MATERIALS: Thread, needle, colored feather, pencil, colored tap and desired length and width of fabric.
Step 2:
lay the feathers put onto the fabric (longest to shortest)
Step 3:
sew a straight line across the fabric. Be sure the feathers are secured.
Step 4:
roll into a coil and sew to secure
Step 5:
start sewing additional feathers to the side. repeat until it resembles a flower.
Step 6:
sew green feathers to the side to give it a flower realistic touch.
Step 7:
stick your pencil in the coil shape on the bottom to create the stem. be sure to also coil the pencil with colored tape to create stem.
Step 8: