Introduction: Fast FREE Effective Wood Stove Glass Cleaner

Dirty to Clean, fast and free.


  • Newspaper
  • Ashes

No Chemicals Purchased.

Step 1: 15 Second Clean

Caution: Glass needs to be at room temperature. Cold water and hot glass is a recipe for disaster. Please do not shatter the tempered wood stove glass turning a free method into an expensive one.

Lay open newspaper under the glass to catch any soot or drips.

Crinkle another piece of newspaper in your hand, and

Quickly dunk about one-third of the crinkled newspaper in water.

Dip in the damp newspaper in white ashes from the bottom of the wood stove, and

Rub on the glass.

Step 2: Looks Worse Before Better.

Rub all over softening the haze, add a little scrubbing action in the corners.

Dip for more ashes if needed.

Rotate the newspaper to a damp clean part cleaning off some of the haze, and finish with a dry part of the crinkled newspaper.


Step 3: Before & After

Before & After.

Ahhh, nothing like the warm glow of a hot fire on a snowy winter's day!