Introduction: Ferrara Orange Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake

About: I like to cook and I blog about it. I love to garden and everything about it. I like listening to NPR and watching cooking shows. I have two sons. The oldest I put in collage and he is a Medical Assistant.
A cheesecake based on the Ferrara Chocolate Orange Candy. We went a step further adding caramel. A step beyond that as well, because the Ferrara Chocolate Orange Candy doesn't have a crust, but our Ferrara Cheesescake does. The crust is prepared of oats, almonds, and pecans. Then brought together with real butter and sweetened with sugar.

You can use orange zest or as we did real orange extract to mix into the cake. Real oranges are used to top the cake. They include their peel as well. Are you aware of the benefits of the orange peel? Most of the vitamin C is found there.The peel also is rich in vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, selenium, manganese, and zinc (read more here: Benefits of the Orange Peel). Selenium works hand in hand with CoQ10 to provide the energy your heart needs to keep pumping.

The Ferrara Orange Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake, a delectable dessert to enjoy any time of the day or week!!

We have more recipes here at Recipes for a Healthy You as well as here at Instructables.

Thanks always for taking the time to view my Instructables. Here is one that I entered into a contest, I would appreciate your vote: Blinding Baking Pie Crust [includes pie recipes]

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