Introduction: Festival Painting

About: I am a teacher in Canada. I have a little family and a small army of robots. I like robotics on a budget and artful solutions to engineering challenges.
I volunteer facepaint at festivals all over and girls often ask for princess. It is a challenge because princesses just look like fabulous people and you can't paint that. I found some tricks to deliver that and to avoid the pink crown pitfall.

Step 1: Supplies

Only a few supplies are needed. You need brushes of various sizes, you need snazaroo paints, you need lots of water (to keep colours unmuddied), and glitter. Glitter brings the fabulous out in festival sunlight.

Step 2: Method

Facepainting is all about steady hands and brush control. Lean your elbow on your work table. Have your canvass move in closer.

Brush control is also about the shape of your brush. You can increase the paint and flatten the brush (I call this hairy brush). It works well for textures or hair. Have an even mix of paint and water to create steady lines.

Keep your paint wet. Facepaint should never drag.

Have 2 tones on your brush at once. This makes pictures look 3D.

Step 3: Process

Start with 2 tone base colours. This is a frozen inspired mask. Let the colours taper as they end.

Step 4: Details

Add speckles and floral end points. This is frozen and it has elements of snow and flower and stars.

Step 5: Finish

Finish with glitter. I really like how this glows and has frosty tips.
It imitates the Elsa sleeves without being too over the top.

Step 6: Not Face Painting Bonus

You can also skip the face when kids want a princess. Just draw a simple princess on an arm. Kids like to see the final product.

Step 7: No Princess Double Rainbow.

Kids (and grown men) like cutie marks.

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