Fizzy Sherbet/Tasty Rabies!


Intro: Fizzy Sherbet/Tasty Rabies!

Hi, this is an exciting small step I have made, not more info aside, here is my instructable.

This will replace the need to go to shops and get sherbet. Its tasty and quick. Sadly,photos from webcam.

STEP 1: Ingredients

You will need

Citrus Acid/Tartaric Acid
Bi-carbonate Soda
Something to hold deliciousness

STEP 2: Step 1

Add about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon citric acid, be sparingly.

STEP 3: Step 2

Add 1/4-1/4 teaspoon bi-carbonate soda, be sparingly. Make sure it is about the same as citric acid.

too little Bi-carbonate, too sour.
too much Bi-Carbonate,soap flavour.

STEP 4: Super Mix

Mix and shake as much as you can! Looks like nothing but it packs a punch! It seems like that little can make so much! Yes it can!

STEP 5: Sugar, We're Going Down.

Use 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar, any except brown sugar. Add and mix/shake/stir.

STEP 6: Enjoy

Put it in your container and enjoy. I made a paper spoon so I could enjoy anywhere. Place about half a teaspoon into your mouth to generate rabies. (fake)!

So little could make so much, if you didn't add sugar it taste like foam, if you added , it will taste sweet. Enjoy wit your kids or yourself, sprinkle on anything! Except your bed.


any idea what would happen if you added food coloring?
I have to say that "tasty rabies" is the best description for anything I have ever heard.
can anything be use instead of citric powder
Wa-hey! - sherbet was my first ever instructable. This has much better pictures than mine.

I need to take better pictures, soon. I shouldn't have submitted, this I don't want like 100 instructables of the same thing because some other two people submitted it. I did't add enough sugar in my first batch, it tastes salty.