Floppy Disk Bird Feeder


Intro: Floppy Disk Bird Feeder

Make a bird-feeder using only 3 Floppy Disks, 12 Floppy Disk Labels (Or masking tape), Hot Glue and String.

Sorry this is so simplistic and has such terrible accompanying photos, I will edit it later.

STEP 1: What You Need:

~ Three floppy disks

~ Twelve floppy disk labels, or sticky tape (wide)

~ String

~ Hot Glue (Not strictly necessary if you like the look of it with tape. If I had used labels I wouldn't have used it except for attaching the string.).

~ Scissors

STEP 2: Stick the Floppies.

Put sticky tape or the disk labels around both edges of the bottom of the disk equally.

STEP 3: Preparing the Disk

Pry off the sliding metal bit on top of the disk and then carefully pry it apart on the top 3 sides.
Take the cotton off of the disk surface and then keep it for nesting material as well as the plastic disk in the middle for another project.

STEP 4: Cut a Door

Cut a door in one of your disk sides like illustrated in the picture.

STEP 5: Put Your Piece Together.

Assemble the bird feeder by taping the walls together or you could choose to glue it.

STEP 6: To Use Glue

Untape each section and hot glue the connections to the disks touching it.

STEP 7: Attach a String

Just grab some hot glue and glue the string to the top.

STEP 8: Pack Your Box

Put the cotton in the feeder from the disks and then maybe a little seed and hang in the garden somewhere.


I thought you would need a knife to cut the floppy disk
I just used my fingers, but I'll edit it in as an optional component in the next edit. Thanks for the hint.
I guess you lost site of the editing you were talking about doing? Would love to see a newer one with the care you spoke about. None-the-less, excellent idea for all those old floppies!
Yeah, in my final year of High School, so I've been caught up in that :) Only a matter of time though, I'll be going through and altering most of my instructables, adding a few more too :D Thanks for the rev up, I'll do my best to get it up soon, just need to buy a new camera.
Excellent It's our own "Blue Peter" site. I've sent the addy to a dozen or more. pfiddle
"This would look better with the care and attention that it warrants putting it together. :)" If making an instructable doesn't warrant the attention to make it look better then why do it?