Flower Bow-Gift Topper


Intro: Flower Bow-Gift Topper

This gift topper is made using plastic ribbon, uncut beads and transparent nylon wire. I have cut the ribbon in leaf pattern in the middle of each petal so that the uncut beads peep out from inside.

The second one is a simple gift topper made using plastic ribbon cut into 6 leaf shaped petals. They are folded and attached in the center with a yellow stone. 


Cute. In my family, gift bows are saved from gift-giving occasion to gift-giving occasion. I've been receiving the same bow every xmas since I was 11. A gift-topper this lovingly crafted would make a much-improved gift-garnish.
how cute! i want to see what your bow looks like.=]
awesome 'ible, i tried making bows last Christmas but failed, maybe i can try this one soon!!!