Folding Stool


Intro: Folding Stool

You are going to make a small folding stool

STEP 1: Preparing the Timber

  • If the end of your timber is damaged, it's best to cut this off
  • Mark out the end with square
  • Mark out the sides too
  • Cut the end off making sure to keep your saw straight so your cut is straight and precise.

STEP 2: Cutting the Slats

Your first piece of timber will be the used as the slats of the stool.

You will need to cut 7 of these.

Size: 330mm x 36mm x 18mm

Now it's time to start marking your slat

Measure along the length of your timber and make a mark at 330mm

Use a builders square to mark a line at your marking (330mm)

Draw an X on the waste side of the timber

When cutting, DON'T CUT ON THE LINE.

Cut just to the side of the waste side marked with the X (This way your slat will be the right length!)

Use some sandpaper to sand down the end to make it smooth

STEP 3: Drilling the Holes on the Slats and Sanding

Measure 70mm from the end of the timber and make a mark

Use a builders square and draw a line at the 70mm mark

Use a marking gauge to find the centre of the slat width and mark this.

Use a 3.5mm drill bit and drill a hold all the way through the piece (at your 70mm/18mm mark)

Sand all the corners of your slat so they are not sharp


STEP 4: Making the Main Planks

You will need to make 2 Seat Planks.

Using a piece of timber 40mm wide and 19mm thick, Cut a 300mm length. (You will need 2 of these.)

Make a line across the plank 200mm from the right end.

At each end, make a mark 30mm from the bottom and end

Draw a curve on the bottom corners with a 30mm radius (as shown in the picture)

Mark a point 43mm from the left edge and 26mm from the top edge

Draw a circle with a 16mm radius at this point (43/26)

Draw a 22 degree line from the bottom edge to the circle (as shown in the picture)

Draw a vertical line from the bottom edge to the left angled line (as shown in the picture)

STEP 5: Cutting the Main Planks

Using a coping saw, cut the curves on the bottom corners

Using a 16mm drill bit, drill a hole all the way through the main plank

Using a hand saw make the 22 degree cuts from the bottom of the plank to the 16mm hole

Cut a vertical line from the bottom edge to remove the corner of the piece

Sand all the edges and corners to make them smooth

STEP 6: Marking Leg 1

You will need to make 2 of Leg 1

Using timber 36mm wide and 19mm thick, cut a 507mm length. You will need 2 of these.

Mark centre point 80mm from left edge

Mark centre point 210mm from left edge

Mark centre point 290mm from left edge

Mark centre point 490mm from left edge

Draw a line from the top left hand corner on a 56 degree angle

Draw a 18mm diameter curve on the right hand end of the leg

STEP 7: Making Leg 1

Using timber 36mm wide and 19mm thick, cut a 507mm length. (You will need 2 of these.)

Drill the 16mm at the 80mm mark

Drill the 6mm holes at the 290 and 490mm marks

Use a hand saw to cut the 56 degree line on the left side of the leg

Using a coping saw, cut the curve on the right end of the piece

Use sandpaper to smooth all the corners of the legs


STEP 8: Marking Leg 2

You will need to make 2 of Leg 2

Using timber 36mm wide and 19mm thick, cut a 507mm length. (You will need 2 of these.)

Mark centre point 80mm from left edge

Mark centre point 210mm from left edge

Mark centre point 290mm from left edge

Mark centre point 490mm from left edge

Draw a line from the top left hand corner on a 56 degree angle

Mark a point 18mm from the top and right edge.

Use this point to make a curve with a 16mm diameter

Sand all the sharp edges of the leg


STEP 9: Making Leg 2

Drill 16mm holes at the 80mm mark and 483 mark

Drill the 6mm hole at the 290

Use a hand saw to cut the 56 degree line on the left side of the leg

Using a coping saw, cut the curve on the right end of the piece

Use sandpaper to smooth all the corners of the legs


STEP 10: Making the 2 Crossbars

Mark 16mm dowel length at 290mm

Cut 2 x 16mm dowel to 290mm

Mark 16mm dowel length at 250mm

Cut 1 x 16mm dowel to 250mm

STEP 11: Pieces Needed for Assembly

STEP 12: Assembling the Legs

Apply PVA glue to holes in Leg 2.

Insert 2 x 290mm longer dowels into the 2 x Leg 2.

Apply PVA glue in holes in Leg 1.

Insert the 250mm dowels into the holes in Leg 1

Join Legs 1 to Legs 2 using bolts, washers, lock washers and nuts.

The bolt head always goes to the outside of the stool and goes through both sets of legs

Leg 2 sits over Leg 1.

The washer fits over the bolt closest to the Leg 1, followed by the lock washer, and finally the nut.

Tighten the nut allowing the legs some movement so the stool can be folded and unfolded.

The nut can't be too loose or too tight.

STEP 13: Attaching the Slats to the Main Planks

Begin by adding a small amount of glue on the under side of the planks on the area around the screw hole at each end.

Start spacing the slats over the main planks

The first plank will overhang the main plank by 6mm

Space each slat 10mm apart

Using a phillips head screwdriver and 40mm wood screws, attach each slat to the main planks.

Use 2 x 35mm to attach the 2nd slat to the main plank (this plank sits over the 'hook' on the main plank)

Make sure that the screw heads are countersunk so that they don't stick out.

STEP 14: Connecting the Seat to the Legs

Place the seat area over the legs.

Leg 1 attaches to the main plank

Insert the bolt through Leg 1 and the main plank.

Place washer, followed by locking washer and nut onto the bolt

Tighten the nut allowing the legs some movement so the stool can be folded and unfolded.

The nut can't be too loose or too tight.

Your Folding Stool should now be assembled.

Finish the work with sealer, paint or stain to your liking.
