Fort Kit - Best DIY Gift to Give a Child


Intro: Fort Kit - Best DIY Gift to Give a Child

I think ALL kids love building forts! So, I decided to give my son a Fort Kit, which includes all the necessary supplies he needs to make a fort with his cousins! I think this is an awesome gift to give kids, and very affordable.

The Fort Kit here includes:
  • two sheets
  • a flashlight and headlamp
  • 3 glow sticks
  • pvc pipes which can be used as a base for the sheets to be draped over
  • clothespins - used to secure sheets together
  • the tubing in the photo - my son created a phone from it with the tubes and pvc pipes
Free "Fort Kit" Label: with this instructable you can download and use the label I created, if you like. I could create another one too if needed, for a girl.If anyone wants that, please comment and I will do that!

About the Tote Bag: I sewed the tote bag myself and documented each and every step of the process. I am currently a full-time student and busy with some classes, so I did not have the time to upload those instructions just yet. But I will be creating a detailed step-by-step instructable later this week, on how to make the tote bag. I will post a link to it once it is done.


This is an amazingly simple idea, yet cool as I have seen in a while! What kid wouldn't love this for Christmas, right before they are stuck inside. (Or for those in Boston, right now) :)

This is terrific! I plan on making one for my daughter (so bag instructions and a girly label would be awesome - however, I totally understand about lack of time for a student!)

I especially love the fact that there are so many possibilities for interactive construction. Great job, mom!

how much pvc pipe are you including in the kit? What length(s) and what connections. This is a great gift idea!
it’s a do it yourself kit so it depends on the model you want to build to the plans if you, because different pipes/fittings can function to construct there intended functions things it’s the components total, the 3D dimensions you plan to use for example if I wanted to build a triangle I would need 3 pieces and I would need 3 45 degree elbows try a 3d modeling/designing program will make great examples of what it would take so it’s like a custom thing that's one of the obstacles we inventors/designers/builders/etc. have to manage
Great idea! Will make a super good gift for my little cousins!
This is a really great idea, I think I will be putting one of these together for my niece. Hope she doesn't loose everything right away :D
Thanks!!! That is awesome :)