LED Mau5 Head: Deadmau5 Head Replica


Intro: LED Mau5 Head: Deadmau5 Head Replica

After working on and off for nearly 4 years, this project is now finished. Upon discovering Deadmau5; the stage name of Joel Zimmerman, I had always toyed with the idea of re-creating the LED mau5 head that he wears during his shows. After some research, I began planning how it would all go together. The lights are a chain of individually addressable led pixels that were glued in place with hot-melt glue and a mix of custom led holders, some of which I 3D printed and the rest made by Shapeways 3d printing service.

More information and projects can be found on my site here !!!


Damn dude that's really cool. Nice job. I've made one with lights before too but this one blows mine out of the water.