Southern California Renaissance Faire Front Gate 120' Wrecked Ship


Intro: Southern California Renaissance Faire Front Gate 120' Wrecked Ship

The Front Gate of the Southern California renaissance Faire is The H.M.S. Triumphant, a scale 1500's  120' merchant ship.
  I designed  This Moveable walk through 53'  wrecked ship  set  using Auto Cad, and Autodesk Inventor. The Auto Cad drawings allowed me to print out full size templates of the ribs and details for the ship.
   A 3d walk through in Inventor  highlighted the structural components but  was never finished.
  The Project took 4 carpenters and  7 weeks to complete. None of us had ever built to this scale or intricacy before.


You are welcome Sir

Too Damn Cool!!!!

I'll bring the guys by.