Fun and Easy to Make Lego Technic Gun


Intro: Fun and Easy to Make Lego Technic Gun

STEP 1: You Will Need:

These are the pieces you will need to make the gun:

STEP 2: First Step

This is a magor part of the gun and will need to fit together like so

STEP 3: Body

You will then need the two bent black pieces, the little black two piece,the long grey piece, and long and thin cross piece. The short blue piece and two small black pieces.but leave the long bent black piece that's on the right off. We will put it back on later.

STEP 4: Catch

The blue piece will need to be cut like so. You can then fit them together. Then put a short blue piece through the hole in the black piece.

STEP 5: Putting Together





STEP 10:

STEP 11: Final Step

This is just putting the elastic bands on. You can have one to three elastic bands for a good shot.


You put something in front of the elastic band to shoot
There's a picture missing
And exscaly, I just finished making your single shot lego gun. It's fantastic! It's really good for shooting people quickly.
You only have to cut it with scissors although I know what you mean. It's range is about ten to fifteen feet with a powerful elastic band and a cleanly cut mechanism.
Pretty cool but I don't know if cutting Legos is my thing
Nice compact design! Simple mechanism, although I can't say I'm particularly fond of cutting lego :P What is its range like?