303sniper Rifle


Intro: 303sniper Rifle

this is my 303 sniper rifle it can shoot about 38
meters. this is my fist Instructable please comment

STEP 1: The Barrle

follow the pictures

STEP 2: Make This Thingy

and make this

STEP 3: The Triger

make this carefully

STEP 4: Handle

make this

STEP 5: Stock

make this

STEP 6: Bullet

this is the bullet

STEP 7: How to Load the Gun

put the tan clip on the elastic band then put the other end of the rod on the the black things in the triger


like the gun but to flimseeeeeeeee
Love the spelling. Barrle. nice instructable though jim
?????? oops didnt mean to ad that. um... No Comment?
lol. its at my freinds house and it's not in a bed room
To think there are two kinds of Killerk copies these days. It's a shame. It really is.
the first kind of killerk copy is acctually a [your name here] copy by the way
hey the name is a copy of the ak-47(its a real gun not a knex gun)it's not a copy sr-v1
i dont mean this gun, i mean the bad tube and stick guns aren't killerk copies, they are your name here copies
hey i did not copy the killerk sr-v1 i use a similar tequnique to hold in the bullet but apart from that its a totally original idea, just like ronald ruck and ricky rouse