Introduction: Game of Thrones: Drinks Coasters Set
This is a Game of Thrones drinks coasters set made of eva foam mostly.
Step 1: Materials
Step 2: Coasters
10 images I found of the GoT houses, coasters are eva foam pieces 9.5 X 9.5 cm, painted in black, the some aluminium metallic (black in the back creates contrast) and then several layers of varnish to protect from moisture from drinks.
Step 3: "Wooden Chest"
The box will look like a wooden chest for a medieval look.
Step 4:
Protecting the inside for painting, making the wood lines with my Dremmel and the iron work of the wooden chest.
Step 5: Liquid Vinyl Process
To seal eva foam for painting.
Step 6: Iron Work
Liquid vinyl, black paint, some aluminium metalic paint and black oil paint around the screws for an old iron look. Then several layers of glossy varnish.
Step 7: Wooden Chest Painted.
After the brown paint, I spread with a cloth some brown oil paint to give contrast. Then varnished all in matte.