Introduction: Garden Bed Made Easy
I made this garden bed so it could be moved. This idea is that I can plant my perennials such as daffodils etc. in it and let it sit out of sight most of the year. Because it is easily moved I can then fetch it out to the side of the driveway when the flowers are in bloom. Because the size isn't a consideration the only thing that I really cared about was minimisation of waste and that is how I decided on this 2100 or 7 foot long bed size.
Step 1: Getting It Done
- 4 of 2400x200x50 treated pine garden sleepers
- a half rack of 90mm gal nails
- 15-20 of 150mm batten screws, either gal or treated pine specific
- you'll need a saw, drill and measuring tape.
How to get it done:
- Measure and cut 300mm off all of your sleepers
- Using the 300mm offcuts, butt them in as end pieces between 2 of the 2100 long other pieces of sleeper. Tack them in place with one nail per corner.
- Drop the other 2 long pieces of sleeper on top of what you have assembled and use it to square the whole lot up, once it is square, tack it all in place with a few more nails.
- The remaining 2 short lengths of pine can now be attached across the 2 sleepers which are to make the bottom of the bed.
- Get your batten screws and screw the whole lot together, I used 2 in each corner and 6 on the bottom.
- Flip the thing over and start planting!