Getting Ready for the ACT


Intro: Getting Ready for the ACT

Taking any sort of test can be nerve wracking, but the ACT can be one of the most nerve wracking experiences of one’s life. The trick is not only to study, but to know how to study right for this test. Otherwise, you are going to end up being stuck with tutoring sessions your parents force you to take, or having to buy all kinds of books that you don’t really need. When you are going to study for the ACT, you need time, a plan, and a mentor. Here are some tips to help you get the best score:

STEP 1: Do a Practice Test

Get yourself an ACT prep book and take a practice test, including the essay question. The score you get will be your baseline score, and this is what you are going to work on. By taking the practice test, you will learn your strengths and weaknesses, and know where you need improvement to get the best scores.

STEP 2: Don’t Cram

You are not going to absorb the information you need when you begin studying a few days before the actual test. You need to set up study schedules early. In fact, you should start studying months in advance. The more opportunities you have to study, the better you are going to do on the test. The better your score, the better your chances of getting into the best schools, getting financing for college, etc.

STEP 3: ACT Prep Options

For ACT test prep you can visit tutoring centers, as well as use ACT apps and books, take classes, etc. This is important for anyone who has a hard time studying on their own and staying focused. It may be well worth it to spend some money to get the edge you need to get the best ACT score possible.

STEP 4: Set a SMAART Goal

Your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Action-oriented, Results-oriented, and Time-phased. Figure out the score you want, and find the SMAART way to get it.

STEP 5: Get Back to Basics

There are four required sections in the ACT, as well as the essay (which is optional). Other things you need to know early on: What is a good ACT score? How do you take the multiple-choice tests? Do you know how to register for the test?

STEP 6: Learn ACT Test Strategies

When you learn all of the ACT test strategies, you will have a much easier time with your study sessions. You will know what you can and can’t do during the exam itself, and you can do the same with your study sessions so you are completely prepared.

STEP 7: Be Accountable

Get others to help, let your mother nag you, and hold yourself accountable to someone so you can really accomplish something. This way, you are not going to have a chance to lose your focus, because there will always be someone to push you.

STEP 8: Set Up a Study Schedule

Find ways to schedule as much ACT study time as you can. If you have to get up earlier in the morning, so be it. Ignore the distractions like social media which can take up way too much time, and use that time to study for the ACT.

STEP 9: Do More Practice Tests

It is a good idea to test yourself every so often while you are studying. That way, you can see how far you have come, and what areas still need work. The more you practice, the better you are going to do when it is time for the real thing.