Introduction: Glass Bottle With Handle

About: back 1 year of being afk! since i started a new school i have been busy sorry if i don't respond ! bye! last update- 3/23/23 BTW Profile by MOEDXLLY

hello you will need the following , stuff.


  • thick piece of thick ribbon
  • glass bottle with a mettle cap
  • hot glue gun

Step 1:

get the big thick ribbon hot glue the tip on he bottle and go to next step!

Step 2:

start rapping the string around the bottle then stop right amount string don't hot glue it and skip to the next string and hot glue it go to next step

Step 3:

now when you get to the end of the string hot glue it and now go to the next slide

Step 4:

yayy you completed my indestructible, good job!!!!

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