Introduction: Globe Persistence of Vision
Persistence of Vision Globe, controlled by mobile app and based on Arduino (Atmega1284p)
All the code source and schemas are available in Github
Step 1: Build the Box
A box was built
Step 2: Build the Two Bands PCB
The vertical PCB bands are built. They are the frames where the RGB LEDs and their Shif Registers are soldered
Step 3: Build the Shift Register PCBs
The to drive the RGB LEDs were used STP08CP05 constant current shift registers. They behave like any other chainable shift register, but they can source/sink a pre-defined constant value of courant.
To keep the vertical PCB bands simple, specific adaptation boards were built using the SMD version of the chip, the capacitors and the resistor.
These adaptation boards are then pluggable into the vertical PCB bands