Glow in the Dark Jar, With a Little Extra.


Intro: Glow in the Dark Jar, With a Little Extra.

I’m cheap, not like floozy cheap, but cheap like “holy shit it’s only .99 cents, i’m buying 5 of these cheap.” But if it’s free it’s all the more better, and if i can make it myself them by God I’ve found the Holy Grail. So when i saw this: INSERT PIC. I couldn't resist making a snide remark and deciding that i could make it better. So my dear friend, i have decided to share my knowledge so you too can have a silver Bambi in a jar. It’s awesome!!!!

something like a mason jar, but please i advise you to get some at a Goodwill or thrift Store, craft stores are ridiculously over priced.

Glow in the dark paint. 



optional glitter.
- i like the night sky affect.

optional jar stuffers.
this little Bambi was too cute to resist and it was just the right size. I added a tree for good measure also.

optional metallic spray paint
Gold, Silver, Purple, or Green color is no importance it’s a free for all.

I had some problems with the proportion of my jar so i had to do some quick thinking here. The neck of the jar was going to hide Bambi and the tree so I pulled out some thick foam and and molding clay to raise the stuffers, and simply sprayed on some adhesive and drowned it in glitter.
So if you have this problem the following helps:
  -thick foam
fake moss


Step One.
If you have problems with the jar, trace the lid of the jar onto the foam and cut, also do this with the fake moss.


Step Two.
Super glue the moss on the top and glue strips on the side. Let it dry for a while


Step Three.
Spray paint your little jar stuffer if you want.


Step Four.
I decided to use the glow in the dark paint as a backdrop instead of letting it splatter all over the place. i taped it off to get a simi-clean effect and just dropped some paint in there and let it slide all over the jar. Let it dry. i applied two coats for maximum glow in the dark-ness. While it's simi-wet drop some glitter in there for a little extra. 


Step Five.
Super glue your stuffers on to the foam, and let it dry also.


Step Six.
This one is a little tricky. I recommend placing the jar over the stuffer and then just pushing down, using your finger to kind of tuck the edges in

And there you go! a nice little center piece for the almost low low price of nothing!