Introduction: Glowing Flower Series

About: I love art, craft and recycling things.

Things you will need:

  • some A4 sized papers (cut in hexagon of 8 cm radius)
  • LED light series

You can follow instructions from this instructable OR you can watch my video and learn, how to make glowing flowers with light series. Also this is my first instructable! if you liked this instructable then show some appreciation by voting this up !!!

Step 1: Take A4 Sized Paper

Step 2: Draw Hexagon Shape As Shown. You Can Also Download Template From Given Link.

Step 3: Fold From the Shown Lines.

Step 4: Cut the Hexagon Shape From Paper.

Step 5: Fold the Hexagon Into Half Joining Two Opposite Points. Repeat This for Remaining Two Pairs of Points.

Step 6: Now Flip the Paper. Now We Will Fold It in Half Again. But This Time It'll Be Joining the Middle Point of Each Opposite Sides.

Step 7: Draw Hexagon With Same Center But Half Radius/side.

Step 8: Do As Shown.

Step 9: Do As Shown.

Step 10: Do As Shown.

Step 11: Do As Shown.

Step 12: Do As Shown.

Step 13: Do As Shown.

Step 14: Do As Shown.

Step 15: Do As Shown.

Step 16: Do As Shown.

Step 17: Do As Shown.

Step 18: Do As Shown.

Step 19: Do As Shown.

Step 20: Do As Shown.

Step 21: Do As Shown.

Step 22: Do As Shown.

Step 23: Do As Shown.

Step 24: Do As Shown.

Step 25: Do As Shown.

Step 26: Do As Shown

Step 27: Do As Shown

Step 28: Do As Shown

Step 29: Do As Shown

Step 30: Its Done!

Step 31: Beautiful!!! Isn't It?