Introduction: Gluten Free Hummingbird Cake
Cooking gluten free is very easy, you only have to replace the wheat for
rice flour and cornstarch, make sure to read the labels on the products.
The name of the cake is a mistery, some people say the hummingbird is symbol of sweet, but the reality is that, the hummingbird cake is a very tasty, sweet and moist cake.It’s delicious!
Step 1: Ingredients:
Sponge cake:
150 gr rice flour
150 gr cornstarch
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 pinch of salt
100 ml sunflower oil
2 teaspoon of vanilla stract
200 gr sugar
3 eggs
3 bananas
1 can of pineapple
100 gr walnuts
100 gr coconut
Cheese frosting:
150 gr cream cheese
150 gr icing sugar
150 ml cream
25 gr butter
Step 2: Prepare Sponge Cake
Preheat the oven to 170º C
Chop the walnut and reserve.
Mix the 2 varieties of flour with baking soda and reserve.
Drain the pineapple, chop in a small pieces and reserve.
Peel and crush the banana with a fork.
Whisk the sugar with the egg until they reach a white colour.
Add the oil, banana, vanilla and cinnamon; two varieties of flour, baking soda and whisk.
Add the walnuts and pineapple and mix well with a spatula.
Divide the dough into 3 equal parts and put in a silicone mold.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Remove from mold and cool on rack.
Step 3: Prepare Cheese Frosting and Asemble the Cake
Prepare the frosting whisk all ingredients together and reserve in a
bowl in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Assemble the cake in layers:
Lay the sponge cake and cover with the cheese frosting, then add the other sponge cake layer and the cheese frosting.
At the end decorate with edible flowers.
Step 4: Tips
If you don’t have time, bake the sponge cake in the microwave for 5
minutes on a maximum power.