Introduction: Go Green With Smart Mate
Get yourself closer to the nature with this smart mate.This bicycle is great for evening fun rides or camping with your friends. This cycle can meet the basic needs while riding on it.Here are the features of this mate:
Dual seats
Automatic Friction powered Brake Lights
Automatic solar powered indicator lights
Wind powered Dark activated Safety LED
Automatic infra-red activated mini horn
Step 1: Gather the Materials Required
Most of the materials can be found at home or workshop.Here is the list of materials required for making this.
Starting with the dual seats
Zip lock ties
aluminium wire
Spare bicycle seat
Next moving on to solar powered
12v 3watt solar panel
6v lead acid battery
0.1micro farad Capacitor
10micro farad Capacitor
5K linear potentiometer
240 Ohm resistor
LM317 voltage regulator IC
Automatic indicators
6 x Cool white 5mm LED's
9'' perforated metal strip
Self centering switch
metal U shaped clamp
Automatic Infra-red horn
100ohm resistor
10k resistor
10k linear potentiometer
photo diode(IR receiver)
IC lm358
1K resistor
330ohm resistor x 2
3v buzzer
2N2222 NPN Transistor
Brake Lights
16 x Red color
Push to on switch
Plastic L bracket
4'' x 3'' Plastic Box
perforated PCB board (3.5" x 2.5'')
3v to 5v DC motor
small 2'' plastic/sponge wheel
Zip lock ties
Motor clamps
Wind powered Dark activated Safety Light
Photo resistor
2n3904 NPN transistor
100K resistor
330 ohm resistor
1 watt power led
3 volts DC motor
mini plastic toy fan (3" to 4'')
Zip lock ties
Super Glue
Hot glue
Double sided adhesive tape
Insulated copper/ aluminium Wire (10 meters)
Needle nose pliers
Flat nose pliers
Electric drill
Various size Drill bits
Soldering kit
Step 2: Cool Bicycle!
Here is the schematic representation of various devices placed on this bike. This is just a pictorial representation, the actual design may be a little different.
Step 3: Starting With the Dual Seats
Fixing an additional seat at the back of the carrier is quite simple but one must make it sturdy and tighten it completely with aluminium wire and zip locks. Zip locks are only used to make the seat tight while the real strength lies with the aluminium wire. This secondary seat is mainly for kids to ride on. To fix the seat to the back carrier, cut a piece of aluminium wire about a feet and wind it tightly to metal wire of the seat leaving about another half to wind with the carrier. Do the same with both the sides (left and right of the carrier and the seat). I suggest using aluminium wire over metal as it wont rust or corrode. To do this step either use needle nose pliers or nose pliers or you may use both of them. After tightening them with wire, tie a few sturdy zip locks the same way as the wire. Here you go! A nice little seat is ready to use!
Step 4: Making the Switch for Automatic Brake
The working behind this is the push to on switch! The switch is either mounted on one of the handle or brake. In the above photo, the switch is mounted on the handle of the bike. So,when the brake is applied,it pushes the switch thus,activating it. In turn it activates the red LED array mounted at the back. To mount the switch, holes should be drilled on the plastic L bracket according to the switch going to be mounted on. Before mounting the switch, make sure to solder wires for it. Mounting can be done by using rubber bands and Zip lock ties.
(Complete circuit diagram on Step 5,'Friction Powered')
Step 5: Friction Powered!
Construct 4 x 4 LED lights on perforated PCB and solder on sufficient length of wire. You can refer to the circuit diagram in the above photo. After making the array, place it in a transparent plastic box for protection and drill a hole on the plastic box to mount it on the cycle. You can use a 4mm screw to fix it onto the bike.
Speed can generate electricity! Here is a small 3 v Dc motor clamped to the bike with zip lock ties. A small sponge wheel is attached to the shaft. Make sure that the wheel slightly touches the wheel's rim.
Step 6: Solar Powered!
Now mounting the solar panel is also easy. But is becomes easiest with zip locks! Zip lock ties are the best to tie anything. Choose a convenient place to mount the solar panel, especially between both the handles. Make sure that the panel has an aluminium frame around it so that holes can be drilled. One hole at the center of the frame on the either sides is made to zip lock it to the front carrier. Make sure to have soldered enough length of wire on the tabs of the panel.
Complete circuit diagram on Step 7 and step 8
Step 7: Automatic Smart Indicator
Smart, smart! presenting the automatic indicators! A combination of electronic and mechanical work! The main component of the mechanical work is the self centering switch. First the switch should be mounted on a metal U shaped clamp. I have used a plastic block between the switch and the clamp to achieve some height and reach the hepta-nut where the axle rotates. Here is how it works: The hepta-nut has seven surfaces.Only one surface is used for the mechanism. When the handle is perpendicular to the bicycle, the stick of the switch stays centered. But when the handle is deflected, say right, the stick slides over the nut's surface and deflects left. Thus completing the circuit and switching on the right indicator. When the handle of the bike is brought perpendicular to the bike, the stick of the switch slides back and returns to it original position,thus turning off the indicator. Same mechanism is applied on the other side.
Now coming back to electronic part, 3 number of LED's are glued to the either sides of the perforated metal strip. So total 6 number of LED's are glued using super CA glue. Please refer the circuit diagram for more details on connections of wire etc. You may use red color LED's but here I have used white and color taped it. Always use hot glue to water proof any component. Using one of the holes at the center, screw the indicator device to the bike.
You can take a look at the photos where the handle is turned left and left light glows!Vice versa
Step 8: Making DIY Mudguard and IR Mini Horn
Starting with the mudguard, make it in the shape of a teardrop and bend it according to the wheel in such a way that there is a little clearance between both of these. Tighten this mudguard with the screw of the front carrier of the bike. Make sure it fits snug and doesn't move. Cover the whole structure with colored packing tape. At the bottom of the structure, attach a circular metal piece. Here, I have used an old wrist watch dial. Now make the IR object sensor by referring to the circuit given above. After making the circuit, mount it on metal piece by using double sided adhesive tape. Use a good quality tape like the 3M which is water proof and you can also hot glue every component to make it water proof. Make the circuit according to diagram. The small black block with metal legs is called an 'IC',integrated circuit. This small thing is a collection of many circuits under one platform. Resistor's lower the voltage and current flow while the capacitors store electrostatic current. Transistors are used to amplify and switch electronic signals.
The IR LED transmits the signals, while the receiver only receives if the signals are reflected back to it. So,when an object is brought closer, it horns automatically.
Step 9: Wind Power!
Take a piece of circular aluminium plate, about 2 inch diameter and drill holes to mount the dc motor on it. Also drill a few more to tie it with Zip Locks. Mount the plate on a place where it is easily accessible to the wind using zip lock ties and mount the dc motor using screws of diameter 2 mm. After mounting both, slip in a small plastic fan onto the motor's shaft.
(Complete circuit on Step 10,'Dark activated LED')
Step 10: Dark Activated Power LED
Do you know that LED's are ruling over CFL? These emit equal amount of lumens as the CFL and lasts several times longer than fluorescent bulbs. Power LED's need proper heat sinking to avoid overheating. Here the circuit for dark detecting is easy. The main Sensor which detects light is the photo-resistor.Make the circuit and place it in a place where light is accessible for the sensor to detect. Here I have used Double sided adhesive tape to mount both of them, the circuit as well as the LED with heat sink. Screws can also be used.
Step 11: Zoom!
That is it! Enjoy your ride with your favourite Mate!