Google Firebase Account Setting for IOT


Intro: Google Firebase Account Setting for IOT

In this instructable we will show the steps to create a Google Firebase repository for file storage, to be used on IOT projects.

STEP 1: Open Your Google Firebase Account

Click on "Go to Console" and then on "+ Add project"

STEP 2: Give a Name for Your Project.

STEP 3: Disable Google Analytics and Click on "Create Project"

STEP 4: Go to "Build / Authentication", Select "Sign-in Method" and Click on "Email/password"

STEP 5: Enable Email/Password and Save It

STEP 6: Click on User and Add User

STEP 7: Fill the Data

You can add other users that can access this repository.

Save the email and password to be used on the code later.

STEP 8: Setup the Storage

Go to "Build / Storage"

Select "Start in production mode" and hit next

STEP 9: Copy the BucketID

Save the bucketID to be used on the code later.

STEP 10: Go to Storage Rules

Update the rules according to the picture

STEP 11: Copy the Web API Key

Go to "project Settings"

Save the WEB API Key to be used on the code later.