Introduction: Graphic Animal Silhouette Pillows

About: Hi everyone! I'm a hardcore DIY'er, I've published 11 DIY books, just produced my own TV show called Make Your Mark for PBS/APT, I make YouTube videos every week and I'm buried under a mountain of craft suppl…

Make fun, graphic animal silhouette pillows with bright fabric and iron on glue.

Step 1: Watch the Video Tutorial Here!

Step 2: You'll Need

Silhouette of animal you like

E-6000 StitchLess Iron On glue


Graphic fabrics in black and white

Cotton fabrics in bright colors

Sewing Machine

Pillow stuffing

Needle and thread


Step 3: Silhouettes to Choose From

Print these in gray scale as large as you can on a standard piece of copy paper

Step 4: Cut Out Your Silhouette in Fabric

Cut out a piece of fabric big enough for your silhouette

Pin and carefully cut it out Try different silhouettes (Google ANIMAL SILHOUETTE)

Step 5: Make Your Pillow

Cut two 19" x 19" pieces of graphic fabric

Pin and stitch them together using 1/2" seam allowance Leave a 5" hole on one side

Paint an even layer of E-6000 StitchLess on the fabric silhouette

Step 6: Add the E-6000 StitchLess Iron on Glue

Step 7: Press, Stuff and Close

With the glue side down, center it on the pillow and iron it in place

Stuff the pillow with pillow stuffing

Pin the 5" hole closed Stitch closed with needle and thread
