Introduction: Gruesome "Waxy" Face
Now that you have figured out how to create your own dummy to scare the kids, how about giving him/her a real customized face? You can even make it using your own face (you need someone you trust to do this though).
Now that I've introduced the concept of "paper-machie" into instructables, I may as well as teach how you can use this art to make halloween props/costumes.
1. Old newspaper (both to protect and shred)
2. Flour, Water, and food coloring (to make the paste)
3. A model (face)
4. Tin foil
5. Vegetable oil (vaseline), if you plan on using your face
6. Coffee Stirrers
7. Scissors
8. Oven and timer
9. Spoon and containers
To make the needed "paste", follow this link:
Now that I've introduced the concept of "paper-machie" into instructables, I may as well as teach how you can use this art to make halloween props/costumes.
1. Old newspaper (both to protect and shred)
2. Flour, Water, and food coloring (to make the paste)
3. A model (face)
4. Tin foil
5. Vegetable oil (vaseline), if you plan on using your face
6. Coffee Stirrers
7. Scissors
8. Oven and timer
9. Spoon and containers
To make the needed "paste", follow this link:
Step 1: Paper-Machie the Face
First off, if you're using a person's face as your model, make sure to oil their face up very well before hand (especially hairy areas). Also don't cover their nose (if you want the mouth closed) so they can breathe. Even they need air.
1. If you're using something non-living, like I am, cover the face with tin foil and make sure to press the foil in to capture the details of the face.
2. Slather the paste on the model (if you're using a person, dip the strips of paper into the paste and apply. Make sure the paste is warm cause it gets uncomfortable after a while when it starts becoming cold).
3. Take the strips of paper and apply them to the face. Make sure to press them into the crevices to capture as much detail as possible. After you've completely covered the face, add another 2-3 layers to build a stable structure (if you're using the model, you can get away with putting only two layers on, but you need to keep the foil on the back).
4. Now if you opted to use a person, you'll have to wait for the paste to dry. But if you used the model, you can carefully peel the foil off and place it in the oven at 335 degrees (F) for 10-15 minutes.
5. Living Model: Once the paste is dried, you can carefully peel the mask off of your friend's face and trim the edges. Non-Living Model: Take the mask out of the oven and trim away the edges.
Now either you can take out some paints and paint your mask or continue on to make the "waxy" face...
1. If you're using something non-living, like I am, cover the face with tin foil and make sure to press the foil in to capture the details of the face.
2. Slather the paste on the model (if you're using a person, dip the strips of paper into the paste and apply. Make sure the paste is warm cause it gets uncomfortable after a while when it starts becoming cold).
3. Take the strips of paper and apply them to the face. Make sure to press them into the crevices to capture as much detail as possible. After you've completely covered the face, add another 2-3 layers to build a stable structure (if you're using the model, you can get away with putting only two layers on, but you need to keep the foil on the back).
4. Now if you opted to use a person, you'll have to wait for the paste to dry. But if you used the model, you can carefully peel the foil off and place it in the oven at 335 degrees (F) for 10-15 minutes.
5. Living Model: Once the paste is dried, you can carefully peel the mask off of your friend's face and trim the edges. Non-Living Model: Take the mask out of the oven and trim away the edges.
Now either you can take out some paints and paint your mask or continue on to make the "waxy" face...
Step 2: "Wax" the Face
No real wax is used, but once again we make up some of our "rubber mixture": (in case you forgot)
1. Preheat the oven to 335 degrees (F).
2. Make up a batch of yellow "rubber mixture".
3. Slather it all over the face but make sure you can see the details.
4. Cook it for 10-15 minutes. Take it out and allow to cool.
5. Add a second layer on top of the first and once again cook.
6. Add the last (unless you need more) layer and cook.
7. Add details to the face using different colored mixtures (Eyes, Mouth, Eyebrows, etc.)
8. Cook for 5 minutes.
9. Add the "gruesome" details onto the face using different colored mixtures (cuts, scratches, warts, puss, etc.)
10. Cook one last time for 5 minutes.
11. Allow to cool
There you have it. It's a face that looks to be made out of wax. You can glue it onto an already made dummy to give it more character, hang it on the wall in a dark hallway (good, if you used the "Glow Goop" mixture and have some blacklights), or instead of adding eyes to your mask you could cut them out and wear this as a Halloween costume mask. So many possiblities....