Introduction: Guinea Pig Grand Hotel
Size: 2m x 1m x 1,3m
Material: wooden boards,wooden bars, plywood, paint for wood (enamel), PVC panels
Time: 5 days
Cost: about $70
People: 5 children and 1 mom
Step 1: Choosing a Place for the Future Construction
We chose a rectangular enclosure in which guinea pigs can graze on grass.
Step 2: Day 1 Prepare Materials and Start Working
Prepare the timber for the frame and floor boards
Step 3: Tools
Prepare tools: a saw, screwdriver, tape measure, screws, angles
Step 4: A Skeleton Construction
We start with a skeleton construction. We want the house stood on top of the pen. Therefore, the length of our construction = 2 m. Measure out and saw off.
Step 5: Corners
Bar fastening with corners.
Step 6: First Day Target Complete
We are tired!
- materials purchased
- tools developed
- floor skeleton ready.
Step 7: Day 2 Floor
The width of our construction is 1m. Measure out, cut and paint the floor boards.
Step 8: Day 3 Fasten Boards and Bars
When the paint is dry, fasten the boards with screws 35 mm to the base of construction
Step 9: Wall Bars
Fasten wall bars with corners for its strength. The front bars are 130 cm. The rear bars 100 cm. The front bars longer for pent roof.
Step 10: The Back Wall
The back wall of the construction we have made of plywood. Two sheets of 100 cm x 80 cm x 0.8 cm. The desired size cut out a jigsaw.
Step 11: Paint and Strengthen the Rear Wall
Paint and strengthen the rear wall of the frame.
Step 12: Day 4 Windows
Make two windows are open. We need window flat corners, mesh, furniture stapler.
Pre-paint parts of windows and wait 1 day until dry.
Step 13: Fasten the Grid
Fasten bars with areas. The grid fasten with furniture stapler.
Step 14: Day 5 Children Are Waiting for Your Likes
Fasten the rafters and the roof. The roof is made of 5 PVC panels. The edges of the panels are not cut for the additional protection from the rain. Fasten the panel with screws to the rafters.
Try to build it with children!