Coolest Guinea Pig House


Intro: Coolest Guinea Pig House

I shared with you Louisa's last years birthday present, the IKEA grocery store, and today I'd like to share the World's Coolest Guinea Pig House ever!

When we bought our guinea pigs Emil and Sunday, we looked for a cage as well. But we did not see anything we liked, they all looked the same: boring & ugly!

So we decided to make it on our own, and this is how it turned out.

What you need:

* MDF Wood
* Corner Brackets
* Door Magnets
* Paint
* Fabric
* Accessories: Christmas Ornament, Mini-Discoball, Fence
* Printed frames and images
* Adhesive Plastic Foil (the rolls you buy to glue them inside your cabinets)

1. Cut the wood and paint it.

2. Glue the plastic sheets on the wood, attach all the wood pieces together.

3. Cut hole for the stairs.

4. Glue round sticks on the stairs for better grip.

5. Print out various frames and a chandelier and glue it to the wall.

6. Attach the discoball.

7. Staple the fence {Dollar Store}

8. Hang the Christmas Ornament {Dollar Store}

We replicated our dining room;-)

We attached four magnets to the front wood panel, so we can easily remove it to clean it.

And voila! Finished. Hope you like it! In the meantime, Santa brought another Piggy and we will have to extend the house. I will post about that soon!

G’ day,

{For more info go here}
{short video here}


Here is what you need:

* MDF Wood
* Corner Brackets
* Door Magnets
* Paint
* Fabric
* Accessories: Christmas Ornament, Mini-Discoball, Fence
* Printed frames and images
* Adhesive Plastic Foil (the rolls you buy to glue them inside your cabinets)

1. Cut the wood and paint it.


2. Glue the plastic sheets on the wood, attach all the wood pieces together.


3. Cut hole for the stairs.


4. Glue round sticks on the stairs for better grip.


5. Print out various frames and a chandelier and glue it to the wall.


6. Attach the discoball.


7. Staple the fence {Dollar Store}


8. Hang the Christmas Ornament {Dollar Store}

STEP 9: Finished!


This looks amazing. Rats and hamsters would love it. It shouldn't be used for guinea pigs as they need lots of space on one level so if placed in a large run or large c&c cage this would be cool but not as the actual guinea pig cage. Fantastic work though, looks great
This. Is. The. Cutest. Thing. EVER!!! (Except for the guinea pigs of course ;)
How big is it?
They could chew that
I would love to make a 3 floor home for my 2 guinea pigs. One floor for store-bought food and water, the next for vegetables, and the third for Anthony Hay!
love it to bits going to try making one for my guinea pig
Very cool. Love the discoball :-)
This is a very cool house however I would be wary of using MDF because of the chemicals in the glue and the guinea pigs' obsession with chewing on everything as well as it being tough to clean. The ramp is a fun idea too however pigs have fragile backs and could get hurt if they fall from such a height. Other than that it's a great idea with some impressive craftsmanship.
i did not think that the MDF was a problem. surprisingly, they havent been chewing on anything:-) so that's good. thanks for your feedback;-)
Fancy, I love it!
this is probably the single most groovy, fun, and nicest thing ANYONE has ever done for a guinea pig. love it!