Gum Wrapper Ring


Intro: Gum Wrapper Ring

Make a floral ring out of 3 Gum wrappers, tape, and scissors

STEP 1: Get Your Supplies.

Your supplies are

3 gum wrappers

STEP 2: Fold Wrappers in Half

STEP 3: Fold

Fold half wrappers to make 4 triangles. Cut to make even

STEP 4: Place

place 4 triangles to be complete

STEP 5: Tape

put down a piece of tape and place triangles down

STEP 6: Wrap Ring

fold your last wrapper in half and fit to your ring size. tape.

STEP 7: Tape on Flowers. Final Product


What a great upcycle, the gum wrapper really shows off the precise folding technique! Welcome to instructables!