About: YarisWorks is a mobile tour, made possible by Yaris, Toyota’s stylish, fuel-efficient subcompact car. YarisWorks is bringing hands-on craft workshops, nighttime parties, daytime festivities, driving events and…
Materials Needed:

1. Soft woven fabric that drapes nicely and is soft enough to be a scarf.
You can use pieces of vintage clothes sewn together to make strips or any other of your choosing
2. Colored embroidery thread.
3. Embroidery needle. Available at most drug stores.
4. Scissors for cutting fabric.
5. Metal charms or pieces of old costume jewelry – these pieces must have holes big enough for the embroidery thread to go through.
6. Any other materials you want to use.

Step 1: Step 1

Cut strips of fabric to be braided. The thicker the strips, the bulkier the scarf. The length depends on your preference – longer is better for scarves to be wrapped around the neck two or three times.

Step 2: Step 2

Hold all the strips together and tie them together in a relatively loose knot( you will re-tie later).

Step 3: Step 3

Loosely braid the strips of fabric until you get to the end but leave a length at the end for a tassel.

Step 4: Step 4

Tie one of the ends around the other two strips so all the fabric falls downward nicely to a tassel shape.

Step 5: Step 5

Re-tie the first knot so both knots look the same.

Step 6: Step 6`

Using your embroidery needle and thread, sew your charms to the end of the scarf tassel. Get creative!!!