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Hi friend, This smart LED you can use with USB. it is very useful

Let's get started

Step 1: Take All Components As Shown Below -

(1.) Old LED light Cover
(2.) Male USB code
(3.) LED - 3-5V
(4.) Battery - 3V (only for testing 3V LED)

Step 2: Check LED by Battery With Matching It's Polarity.

Match the polarity of LED to the Battery

Step 3: Connect Extra Wires to the LED to Do Long It's Legs.

Step 4: Now Put LED on Inside LED Light.

Step 5: Next Solder the Legs of LED to the Male USB Code by Matching It's Polarity.

Step 6: Now Fix USB Code and Steech With Glue Gun.

Step 7: Close the Cover of LED Light.

Step 8: Now SMART LED IS READY to Check.

Step 9: Now Check LED With the Laptops, Low Ampere Charger, Power Bank, Desktop.....

Thanks visit again for more electronics projects, I know that there may be a lot of suggestions for improvement of this project,so please use the comment section and let me and others know. :D