The concept of this drawing was to create a dress resembling sushi but to make it fashionable to wear. Using the Betabrand's  pants and hoodie template along with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 6 (trial) I was able to create this look. Since there are so many layers to creating some of my designs/ideas I have no other choice but to simplify the steps. By simplifying the steps there's room left for you to be creative and play with the shapes to come up with your own version(s).   

1.Take the Betabrand pants template and duplicate it twice. After you make your duplicates you will need to crop the top half (front view) from the bottom half (back view). Using your second duplicate layer you will need to crop the bottom half (back view) from the top half (front view. This would make it easier to create different looks for both front and back (top and bottom of template).

2. Now that you have your duplicate layers ready you want to make duplicates of them. Starting with the top half (front view) on the duplicate layer you would to use the cropping option to make a straight line across the pants just under the bridge of the pants. Make sure that you crop out the legs of the pants as well. I wanted to make this sleeveless but wanted to keep an outline to the garment. So I had to  duplicated the hoodie and using the moving tool I was able to rotate and drag it in closer to give the shape of the sleeves and erase what wasn't needed..(same concept for shaping the Barrel Skirt and Cow Neck hoodie).

3. Creating the masago and rice portion of the sushi dress...using the paint brush tool create a circle and oval shape on but on separate layers. Once you've achieved the look of both shapes then you're going to make two more duplicate layers of each. Next rearrange them using the MOVE TOOL to slightly overlap on each layer. After that's done you're going to merge all the layers with circles together and all the layers with the oval shapes together. Repeating by duplicating the layer(s) and moving it around to fill and give the shape of a piece of sushi merge separately as you did before.


4. Create a layer and using the FILL tool, fill in the layer with a color of your choice. After filling in the layer you then would want to change the opacity of that layer making it lighter and the image visible underneath. If you want you can also create/add a texture to the template as well.

5. After applying a color/texture to the template you will have to now clean it up. Using the cropping tool on the color/texture layer try to crop as close to the outline of the template. Then follow up with the eraser tool to get in it a cleaner look. . Lastly, you want to merge all the layers in order and delete layers that aren't needed in the finish product then save :)