Introduction: Halloween Costume: Mail Order Bride
Here is how to make a mail order bride costume. Hope you enjoy.
Step 1: What You Need
For this costume you will need.
A white dress (or a white shirt & skirt)
White & green bubble wrap
a headband (white is best but pink works to)
6 sheets of white paper
red, blue, & black markers
Transparent tape
A small FedEx package (if you have one for a clutch)
A white dress (or a white shirt & skirt)
White & green bubble wrap
a headband (white is best but pink works to)
6 sheets of white paper
red, blue, & black markers
Transparent tape
A small FedEx package (if you have one for a clutch)
Step 2: FedEx
Draw out the FedEx logo on 5 Sheets of paper & set them aside. now draw on the last sheet of paper 2 fragile signs & cut them out.
Step 3: Your Wrapping AKA Dress
Grab your FedEx signs and tape. Now put tape on the signs and tape them to the dress 3 on the front 2 on back. with the 2 fragile signs tape 1 to the front and back.
Step 4: For the Veil
Now that you finished the dress let's move on to the Veil. So grab your bubble wrap, tape, headband, & scissors. so fold the bubble wrap in half & use tape to tape one side together. Now place it on your head & put the headband on over it & fold the bubble wrap over it. Like you see on my penguin model. And that's it for the Veil.
Step 5: The Bubble Bouquet
Now for the Bouquet grab your scissors bubble wrap and tape. lay your bubble wrap flat and pop the first 2 inches of bubbles for less bulk. Now roll it up and squeeze and twist the first 2 inches to create a handle & secure it with tape. With the upper part cut strips down the sides. That's how you do the Bouquet.
Step 6: All Done
Now put on your veil grab your bouquet put on your dress and grab your clutch. & you are ready to go. go model & have fun.