Halo 2 Banshee Jump on Headlong


Intro: Halo 2 Banshee Jump on Headlong

This is how to Banshee Jump on Headlong. Enjoy.


photo hippie is right, just take up a sniper and then bam,bam,bam,bam. DEAD =-/
That's great, take a sniper rifle up there on your back and you've got yourself at least 12 kills.
lol I used to do that when halo 2 was the most recent halo game. none of my friends liked to play on headlong because I am a sick sniper and I would go to a high place and kill them. but the best was when I could get a banshee and fly up to that low building that you can get on top of WITHOUT this trick, and just snipe form there.
Do juggernaught, unlimitied ammo, grab a rocket laucher and a sniper, with over shield, and your ready to go. Just on ething, make sure your the juggernaught...
Nice trick. I have to try that. One question though. Can you do that anywhere on the map, or in that area only?
hay i found that out before these goons
That's freaking awesome, I didn't know you could do that. There's another way you can do something like this on Halo 3 with the gravity hammer. And one question-- how do you record the video like this?
I have tv tunner capture card in my pc with component (Yellow, Red, White jacks) , and s-video. Just pluged in my xbox and recorded it. The only problem was that the program is used to record it had a really small preview screen only an in wide so it was really hard to do it but I did it in the end. The card was kind of expensive ($100 ish) but you can get the for as little as $25 some places.
Yeah, that's why I never bothered to really play Halo 2 on Live. Jerks would superbounce their way to the top of my most hated list.
so thats how they get up there... oh well, I never liked halo 2, halo 1 had way better contrast and gameplay, and xbc was faster than the damned matching system.
thats one of many ways. I don't have an xbox any more but I used to know 3 other ways. You can do a 2 normal super bounce, fly banshee into a secret spot or do the one I showed you.