Hand Sewn Microwavable Rice Bag


Intro: Hand Sewn Microwavable Rice Bag

Hello! I’m new to instructables, so bear with me. Today I am going to show you how to stay warm with a few household items.

STEP 1: Measuring

First get your ruler, then measure to the length you want it. Mine was 4 3/4 inches (just do it according to the size of your fabric)

STEP 2: Cutting

This part took a little while because at first I cut a little wobbly. Cut according to your measurements. Make sure that you cut slowly because otherwise you might accidently cut in a wobbly line.

STEP 3: Turn Fabric Inside Out

This will help later on with the seams not showing. 

STEP 4: Threading the Needle

This might take a while. (If you are having trouble getting the thread to go through than just put the thread in your mouth and then draw it back out)

STEP 5: Tying the Knot

Now it’s time to tie the knot. A good method of tying the knot so that it doesn’t slip through is twisting the thread until there’s a bunch of holes, then put the thread through them all and pull.

STEP 6: Sewing

Now start sewing. This took me about 50 stitches.

STEP 7: After Sewing One Side

Now you want to sew back and forth instead of tying a knot at the end. This took me 6 stitches. Your going to want to do this with each side.

STEP 8: Turn Right Side Out

Now turn it right side out so that there’s no stitches showing.

STEP 9: Pour Rice

It’s time to pour the rice! I poured 7 Tbs.

STEP 10: Sewing the Top

For sewing the top you’re going to turn the top in so that there are no rough edges. This took me about 35 stitches.

STEP 11: Now Its Time to Enjoy!

Now put the rice bag in the microwave put it in for about 30 seconds and Enjoy!