Hand-held Grenade Launcher V2


Intro: Hand-held Grenade Launcher V2

Okay...This is v2 of my original grenade launcher. took me 5 minutes but its like.. 10 times better
NEW features
7 shot magazine
under barrel magazine holder

on only one rubber band, i got 25+ feet
ammo explodes with contact of hardish surfaces
true trigger

had to take the sight off to fit a magazine

Hope you enjoy and if I get a comment to post it , I will


whoooo , this ible beat my sniper by .01 of a point : )
Hmm, to get rid of the sight problem, could you maybe mod the mag so it's bottom-fed? Shouldn't be too hard...
i think it would be awesome if you could make the mag similar to a harmonica mag, but vertical, and when the mag is out, it falls out of the bottom, don' think it has been done before
Sorry but i hit a speed bump in v3,instead of the ammo exploding on contact with target, it explodes in the barrel, classifying it as a hand-held shotgun, which I will post, but it may take awile for v3 to come together
give me 24 hours and ill post it
 post now or ill rip out your heart and try to sell it....
: O

no but really.....  POST
lol            <3=$
Looks good, it would get more range if the barrel was longer.