Handlebar Extension


Intro: Handlebar Extension

A year or so ago I bought a beat up old bike at the local thrift store for twenty bucks. The gears didn't work, so I took the cables off, making it a one-speed. The front brake was busted, so that went, too. I found that if I rode the bike for more than a few minutes I got a stiff back from leaning forward all the time to hold the handlebars. So I used some scrap PVC tubing and a couple of PVC tees to make a handlebar extension. Now I don't have to ride hunched over when I'm doing some easy pedaling on a straightaway or downhill.

STEP 1: Attaching the Tee to the Handlebar.

I took off the rubber cushions from the handlebars (A little WD-40 helps). Then I drilled a small hole through the handlebars about an inch from the end. I drilled the same size hole through one side of the tee fitting. Then I used a nut and bolt to attach the tee to the handlebar. It was a little wobbly, so I wrapped some electrical tape around the handlebar until I could just barely slide the tee on the bar. Make sure that the angle of the holes is the same for both sides. Mine is a little bit off, but it doesn't seem to make too much of a difference in the ridability of the bike.

STEP 2: Add Some Tubing

I put some short (about 5 inch) pieces of tubing in the upright part of the tee. I was able to slip the rubber cushions partway over these pieces. Then I discovered I didn't have any more of the proper sized tees, but I had some smaller ones. So I stuck some smaller diameter pipes into the larger diameter pipes and stuck the smaller tees on top of them.

STEP 3: FInish the Top Bar

I wanted to add one long piece of tubing to connect the two tees, but I didn't have one piece long enough. So I took two smaller pieces and connected them with another tee. Looks kind of funky, but it works.

STEP 4: All Done

Here's a rider's eye view of the finished product. I did have to move the handbrake around a bit but it's actually very easy to switch from riding sitting up straight to grabbing the "real" handlebars.

Please note that I didn't glue any of the pieces together, just wedged them in good and tight. I wouldn't trust this for any mountain biking or anything strenusous, but for just zipping around on city streets, it seems fine.

I just had the bike out for a 4-mile spin and got a lot of strange looks.


Keep the idea, lose the plastic!

I've biked from Mexico to the deep south of Chile with straight handle bars and often thought about having a 2nd identical handle bar "hoovering" about 15 - 20cm above the normal one. A bit like this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Stücke (which basically proves you right imho)

It is what makes drop bars on a high rise stem work: multiple hand positions in the vertcal plane. Not to relieve your hands from too much weight (in that case your frame is too small, the stem too short or the sadle too close to the handle bars), but to change between "checking the scenery" and "dodging he wind".

To BobS: I like the clamps that hold your pseudo aero bar extensions. Might also be the perfect solution to mount 2nd handle bars safely.

Sorry but I have to side with the safety freaks,
 the reason handklebars require an end plug, it that bar can get into your guts without it
it becomes a gouging tool that is deadly,as would broken pvc,
 if bikes were like cars, your rig would be pulled over by Highway Patrol
 I live on a ranch where everybody rides super slow and casual without helmets wearing sandles and whatnot
   guess I'm too clutsy of a rider for all that
 its shoes, gloves, helmet, and no kids on without...
 in my paranoid world, just don't like blood.     Carefull
nice design   get some aluminum!!       Nico
. Excellent idea, but I don't think PVC is the best material to use. If the PVC breaks it will splinter. In a crash, you will be falling right on top of those splinters.
I got to agree with Nacho. It's just a matter of time before you put too buch strain on that pvc and it is going to by a nasty fall. Bike shops sell handle bars that come up to almost any height. It is going to be a lot cheaper than the co-payment for the Emergency Room. Good instructable though, I am having the same issue with my bike and I understand what a pain in the neck it is. But then again, so is falling. Good luck and wear a helmet.