Introduction: Hanging Cupboard Nicely

About: Scrap is valuable...
This short instructable shows how I tried to transform an ugly IKEA-like over-the-toilet furniture, into a something that my wife actually likes...

Step 1: How It Was Before...

Just to show how ugly that over-the-toilet cabinet was. Look on the right of the picture : It has legs, and no doors, so everybody who goes to the toilet can see our mess ;-)

Step 2: Mounting

So, I cut the legs, but unfortunately, I could not use them to make the doors. The low section of the legs was very damaged by humidity, and moreover the cabinet was too large, so that the doors would have close it properly.

To mount the cabinet to the wall, I used iron corners. But I wanted to hide them as much as possible... This mounting has been exploited for the top and the bottom. Since you take proper measures, and you check, double-check, it is not that difficult.

Step 3: Final Product With Defects...

And this is the final cabinet, transformed into a cupboard with doors. Now, our guests won't see our mess, since it is hidden behind the doors.

What still needs to be done is some finishing :
- white plastic to cover the side of the door, because the wood still appear.
- move the hinge a little to the back of the cupboard, because there is a big gap between the door and the side of the cupboard...