Happy Valentine(^^) With All My Love...


Intro: Happy Valentine(^^) With All My Love...

Let's make KUMA CHOCOLATE (^^)

STEP 1: Download

Made a derivative by HisashiIMAI.

I download data from here.

STEP 2: Make Paperwork

I put aluminum foil inward and assemble it.

STEP 3: Completion of the Model

I distributed a body and a face.

STEP 4: Coagulate

Completion of the paper model.
I pour the chocolate which I dissolved, and cool  in the fridge.

STEP 5: Exclude a Paper Model

When I tear a paper model carefully...

STEP 6: Success!


STEP 7: In a Refrigerator

How cute!

STEP 8: Gift-wrapping

Gift-wrapping with the cookie which I wrote as "KUMA".

STEP 9: Eat

An ear is delicious. Hehehe!

STEP 10: Extra

I made the present to father with surplus chocolate.
Daddy, I'm sorry in the rest. But I like you!


So cute but looks sooooo tasty when made out of chocolate! mmmmm... I want to make it even though the paper part looks kinda complicated and hard. (^^)
Thank you very much!
I presented this chocolate to a beloved person.
He is an author of this paper craft.
Therefore I wanted to present the thing which reproduced this special bear by chocolate to him.
I think that there is a wonderful thing if I make it with a warm feelings.
I pray for your completion. Thank you very very much(^^)
This is so kawai, it's a pity for eating that.
KUMA-san may say, "an ear is painful"(/_<。)